Japan - Language

How to Say the Days of the Month in Japanese

Ever wonder why dates are said so differently than what we expect? Because same. One of the things I distinctly remember my parents teaching me is how to say my birthday in Japanese. “jyuugatsu kokonoka”. For years I wondered how the “ninth” translates to “kokonoka”.

As you have probably learned, the way you say the dates of the month is not as simple as <number> + nichi. But it’s the same with English, where for most dates we can say <number> + th, but then we have the first, second, and third instead of the oneth, twoth, and threeth. So, here is a list of how to pronounce the dates of the months in Japanese!

Day 1一日ついたちtsuitachi
Day 2二日ふつかfutsuka
Day 3三日みっかmikka
Day 4四日よっかyokka
Day 5五日いつかitsuka
Day 6六日むいかmuika
Day 7七日なのかnanoka
Day 8八日ようかyouka
Day 9九日ここのかkokonoka
Day 10十日とおかtooka
Day 11十一日じゅういちにちjyuuichinichi
Day 12十二日じゅうににちjyuuninichi
Day 13十三日じゅうさんにちjyuusannnichi
Day 14十四日じゅうよっかjyuuyokka
Day 15十五日じゅうごにちjyuugonichi
Day 16十六日じゅうろくにちjyuurokunichi
Day 17十七日じゅうしちにちjyuushichinichi
Day 18十八日じゅうはちにちjyuuhachinichi
Day 19十九日じゅうくにちjyuukunichi
Day 20二十日はつか (or にじゅうにち)hatsuka (nijyuunichi)
Day 21二十一日にじゅういちにちnijyuuichinichi
Day 22二十二日にじゅうににちnijyuuninichi
Day 23二十三日にじゅうさんにちnijyuusannnichi
Day 24二十四日にじゅうよっかnijyuuyokka
Day 25二十五日にじゅうごにちnijyuugonichi
Day 26二十六日にじゅうろくにちnijyuurokunichi
Day 27二十七日にじゅうしちにちnijyuushichinichi
Day 28二十八日にじゅうはちにちnijyuuhachinichi
Day 29二十九日にじゅうくにちnijyuukunichi
Day 30三十日さんじゅうにちsannjyuunichi
Day 31三十一日さんじゅういちにちsannjyuuichinichi

Want to practice saying the days with a calendar? Grab a copy of a calendar with the readings for each day from my Gumroad.

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